Code of conduct
for JWD InfoLogistics Public Company Limited and all Companies under JWD Group
1. Policy
The Company realizes the importance of conducting business with justice while paying attention
to the stakeholders, the society and the environment with morality, ethics and good governance
to carry out the operations of the Company with integrity, transparency and fairness.
Nevertheless, the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 3/2557 on April 30, 2014 has resolved a
framework of the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy as follows:
1. To conduct business with fairness
The Company shall give importance to conducting the business within operate within a
fair competition framework under related laws and regulations, which shall be practiced
as follows:
- The Company shall encourage the employees to realize the importance of
business practices within a fair competition framework. - The Company shall support various public policies which promote fair
competition. - The Company shall conduct various activities in compliance with the competition
laws and rules while providing full cooperation to the government officers.
2. To strictly follow the Laws
The Company has policy to strictly conduct the business under the related Laws and
3. Company Policy and Ethics
3.1.1 The Company shall instill ethical conscience, good values, and positive attitudes
for employees to conduct business operations with integrity.
3.1.2 Employee must be polite and respect other employee, partner.
3.1.3 The Company shall provide an efficient internal control system with proper re-
examination and counterbalances.
3.1.4 The Company shall encourage the employees, partners, representatives and
trading partners to report policy infringement and unfair or unethical practices.
3.1.5 The Company must protect the benefit, secret of the company, customer,
Information, such as company business, financial, personnel and the customer
personal data must not release without authorization by the Management which
must decide carefully and efficiency. Employee must keep information mentioned
above secret all the time during employing or after resign, in case the Company
found any leakage of the secret information by any employee, that employee
agrees to pay the Company for any damage that arises.
3.1.6 Must carefully use of Company assets to protect from any damage, and will not
use company asset for employee own benefit or other party benefit that is not
related to JWD group of companies.
3.1.7 The Company shall implement the anti-corruption program to include risk
analysis throughout the supply chain and shall refrain from actions which may
demand for, accept or propose assets or other benefits which may promote illegal
practices or duty omission.
3.1.8 To rule the employee with fairness and no bias and protect staff from any
harassment in the organization.
3.1.9 Ready to work as a team and willing to respect the comment from another employee.
3.1.10 To follow, support and direct the employee to obey the IT Policy, and Company's
Data Protection policy.
3.2 Forbidden to do
3.2.1 Do not do personal work during working hour.
3.2.2 Conduct business as same as the Company business, to compete with the Company.
3.2.3 Act that can scandalize to Company reputation.
3.2.4 Use of fake message or conceal any information that should report to the Company
3.2.5 Work with carelessly that may cause damage to the Company, customer property and asset.
3.2.6 Disguise the truth in order to fine own benefit which may directly or indirectly
cause damage to the Company name and reputation.
3.2.7 Obstruct or act anything to against the order of the Company or do any illegal things.
3.2.8 Do against the criminal laws.
3.2.9 Intentional or unintentional to disclose salary, increasing rate of your own wages
and or other staff.
3.2.10 Ask or agree to accept money or gift from customer, vendor, partner, competitor
or other person that deal with the Company or receive entertain that over the
proper amount, except traditional gift or normal business entertain that not
over 3,000.- Baht.
3.2.11 Intend to do cartel by making agreement with the competitor to promote quotation
or assist the competitor to promote their quotation.
3.2.12 Use the wrong information to illegally change the report, forms, accounting
number or any information for own benefit.
3.2.13 Bribe the government, partner, vendor directly or indirectly through the third
party which against the Company policy.
3.2.14 Paid or intentionally conduct the business to make other misunderstanding the
Company ethics.
3.2.15 Become a person with overwhelming debt or bankruptcy.
3.2.16 Not protects the Company’s rights on intellectual property.
3.2.17 Copy works of the Company’s rights for own benefit.
3.2.18 Act to illegally seeking owns benefit
3.2.19 Use someone not in the Purchasing Department to ask for gift, money, supporting
from vendor, customer.
3.2.20 Neglect allows anyone to seek benefit or enter or disrupt computer program, data,
and computer network without an approval by the Company or insist or allow
downloading any copycat license program to the systems.
4. Anti-Corruption Policy
The Company intends to conduct business with transparency, adheres to good corporate
governance, maintains the benefits of all stakeholders and provides an anti-corruption
policy, while supporting activities which enhance and foster the executives and
employees to conduct business operations in accordance with related laws and regulation
5. Respect for Human Rights
The Company has a policy to treat all stakeholders, i.e., the employees, the directors, the
shareholders, the investors, the clients with fairness and without bias for or against any
person due to the similarities or differences in nationality, religion, sex, age or any matter.
6. Fair Treatment for Labor
The Company gives importance to equal treatment to all employees while providing work
opportunities, remuneration, welfare, appointment and removal, and performance
development along with moral improvement under the following guidelines:
- The Company shall respect the right to work in accordance with the principles of
human rights without bias, discrimination, exclusion or prejudice in employment. - The Company shall provide social protection and good working conditions for the
employees, that is, measures for treatments of the employees shall be clearly
specified and employment conditions shall be fairly determined. Furthermore, the
Company has a policy to strictly abide by the Labor Protection Act. - The Company shall provide health protection plans and safety in the workplace by
promoting and adhering to the standards of operations of the Company to prevent
accidents which may occur during operations.
Date 30 July 2020
Mr. Charvanin Bunditkitsada
Chief Executive Officer
JWD InfoLogistics Public Company
Last update: January 2023